Occupy the Kitchen !

Foodrioters Franca Formenti, Evelyn Leveghi and Francesca Sironi are looking performers to show their work in “Zona Franca” in Varese- Italy.
“Occupy the kitchen!” is a ZONA FRANCA project, a series of events where artists, agronomists, activists, farmers, chefs, intellectuals, horticulturalists and nutritionists talk about their research and their experience. An important part of the project will be the performance-dinners: a selection of artists, who have chosen food as their main focus for their research and explore this research through guerrilla fooding and a hands-on approach to produce, manipulate and distribute food to the public.
Food is at the heart of this project, observed and explored as a social and cultural phenomenon, used and treated as a privileged expressive medium of contemporary artistic practices.
The desire to create thought-provoking discussions around food will be the common principle across all the performances and cultural events of “Occupy the Kitchen!”, from consumer choices to the awareness of the retail distributor system, and all those actions and values that we perform and activate around, and with, food.
“Occupy the kitchen!” is inspired by “Occupy Management!”, a book by Monika Kostera, Professor of Management in Poland, England and Sweden and a close collaborator with Zygmunt Bauman. In this text the objective is to induce students to produce and organize their own lives.
Knowing that food is the biggest business of the planet, the thought of occupying a kitchen in a restaurant that’s open to the public could trigger and represent the possibility to make us more aware and emancipated in our existence and our daily lives.
Zona Franca is a trans-disciplinary project that explores a wide range of forms of research in the fields of art and economics.
The space, which opened in 2015 in Varese, offers a day-time take away service, a traditional restaurant based also on a selection of biological and bio-dynamic vegetables, fruit and flours cultivated from ancient seeds, as well as seasonal and local produce.
Zona Franca is a space in continuous change and transformation, where ancient seeds that are circulated within the in-between spaces of society lurk between legality and illegality; just like a dark pool, they are a metaphor and the philosophical essence of the project.
Zona Franca project has been selected at friendly competition of Memefest: Pleasure
and at the biennial Artraker
If you are interested to collaborate please write to Info@zonafranca.biz

7 years, 10 months

7 years, 10 months
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