
The Equal Standard

Issue #5 of The Equal Standard is out now! The Equal Standard Broadzine is Australia’s latest free independent press publication, bringing you the world in the raw. We turn the spotlight on life as we know it to inform, intrigue and provoke. From politics to art and everything in-between – we hope we entertain you and maybe, just maybe, tune you into a new standard.

The Equal Standard is produced and published by Provoked, a hard working collaborative team made up of Brent and Gabriella Wilson, and an enthusiastic and talented group of contributors.

Visit the website to download a copy or visit our stockist page to find out where you can grab yourself a copy. www.theequalstandard.wordpress.com


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6 years, 6 months

Hey Gabriella, thanks for posting about your exciting Zine! I am very much looking forward to see the printed version. Here the link to a publication we did, which than formally inspired the book on Debt and from which the Food Democracy book grew. (I was mentioning this in my previous email to you)


If you PM me your home address, I will send you a copy. :)