
Walk. An intervention in public space.

We have been thoroughly interested in the urban space and the possibilities of its decolonization from capital. The Situationist concepts of psychogeography and the the dérive are still very much at our hearts and together with Culture Jamming are some of the things Memefest is looking lately into with fresh eyes.

We have currently a lot of discussions about the future of our work and with this we reflect on the cultures that we were part of from the beginning, and the cultures that have influenced us strongly. How relevant are these concepts today and how can we use them in the future?

Constantin Demner from Vienna has submitted this beautiful work to Memefest in 2004. It is an exploration of some of the neighborhoods in London. Walk "uses the language of street art to bring local history to life in the imagination of passers-by." [...]" A 2km long line has been painted onto the pavement, forming the path to follow between stenciled panels that have also been applied to the pavement, pointing out local history, facts and sometimes more personal associations with the area."

Our next book will be about making things public. We are very excited, but more on this soon.

Walk, is a beautiful work of design merging with street art and public intervention. It is a profoundly intimate project. Yes, intimacy... we you will hear us talking about it much more soon...

ps: we hope you will enjoy the LO-FI aesthetic of the video!
ps2#: you can find more visual material on the project here: https://www.studioelastik.com/walk-1


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5 years, 2 months

Nice one, thanks for sharing ROk!