
New Book: InDEBTed to Intervene

We are very excited to let you know about our new book. We have been working on it for more than a year and the book is as beautifull and strong in any way as was the adventure in to researching debt and making it.

The book is an investigation in to Debt as the key instrument that defines current social relations- through the lens of communication, design and art. It is both- theory and practice and a result of our extradisciplinary approach to research.

InDEBTed to Intervene, Critical Lessons in Debt, Communication, Art and Theoretical Practice is out now.

Check this link and read the table of contents, the introduction to the book and see more photos of the book too. You can also order the book here through PayPal.


We will hold a number of talks and discussions in the comming months starting in Slovenia and Australia. Check this space for updates on this. Also, please spread the word. It would be really good to get the book in as many hands as possible.



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10 years, 7 months

Great work guys!have the book in my hands and it bring to mind many important topics(and also all the good memories of Brisbane)!!

THANKS TO ALL MEMEFEST TEAM and nice people I met in Brisbane!