Meditation and Sustainable Consciousness

by John_Meditation

This work has been commented by 1 curator(s). Read the comments


Meditation and Sustainable Consciousness


On Meditation and the attainment of ultimate bliss.

Concept author(s)

John Aivali

Concept author year(s) of birth


Concept author(s) contribution

Project for Design Futures Unit - Oliver Vodeb

Concept author(s) Country



John Aivali

Designer(s) year(s) of birth


Designer(s) Country


Friendly Competition

Pleasure (2016)

Competition category


Competition field


Competition subfield


Subfield description

Swinburne University Hawthorn Master of Design Unit: Design Futures

Check out the Pleasure 2016 outlines of Memefest Friendly competition.

Description of idea

Describe your idea and concept of your work in relation to the festival outlines:

Reaching the ultimate Bliss is the goal of many meditation practitioners around the world, so it is the perfect answer to the Memefest brief under the banner of Hospitality. My proposal states that all aspects of lifestyle and society can be changed by the simple practices of the individual, and when the collective reciprocates, much can be changed in society - especially social justice issues. A sound mind and body are required for any activity, why don't our politicians follow this creed? Imagine if they could make ethically sound and mindful decisions that effect the masses, what a different world it would be.

What kind of communication approach do you use?

Visual Communication, including an evolutionary Participatory Design approach. This ensures constant feedback to update the Graphic Designs which will change after every meditation session, evolving into something more wonderful each cycle.

What are in your opinion concrete benefits to the society because of your communication?

The benefits of meditation are obvious, it's just that they have not been applied in this fashion before - in terms of the collective consciousness. Here I have given enough proof to suggest that groups of individuals meditating on a problem or widespread societal catastrophe can make significant changes that are almost immediate, and bring about solutions to the region and eventually world peace.

What did you personally learn from creating your submitted work?

The trick is in the research. Many will not take up meditation thinking it's either a religious practice or something unsafe and unproven. Thanks to the constant research in the field I have no doubt that meditation will be an integral part of our daily routines in the next decade.

Why is your work, GOOD communication WORK?

Not only have I provided an appropriate visual communication model to convey the message, but I have supplied the research to back my intentions which will do doubt be invaluable in the big picture. Coming from a marketing perspective, I have used styles and branding to appeal to a massive audience, one that will inspire the imagination, as well as fuel the fires of curiosity. Since meditation is great for any age group, sterotype or demographic, the work is tailored for maximum response, and hopefully the intent on the topic will be understood by one and all.

Where and how do you intent do implement your work?

Even if the meditation sessions don't take off, there is a blog set up for people to satiate their curiosity, and it will be advertised on posters and electronic media. Turning each meditation session into a Participatory Design workshop is a master-stroke of genius which will fuel further designs and communications on the topic. Originally I intended to start the first session on campus at Swinburne University, and watch it flourish, but it can be uses on any campus and then into the public arena.

Did your intervention had an effect on other Media. If yes, describe the effect? (Has other media reported on it- how? Were you able to change other media with your work- how?)

I don't have anything to report here as I have not released the work into the public domain or conducted any sessions.

Curators Comments

Darren Tofts

"Unlearn what you have learned". This elegant and provocative thought experiment is at the core of this project. Meditation here is a practice, a way of being and a rhythm of achieving the heightened pleasure of bliss. Pleasure in so many forms is a part of diurnal experience. What this project reminds us is that meditation concentrates the entire somatic, corporeal, sensory and psychic experience of being embodied in the world. I look forward to the project being enacted and anticipate very exciting outcomes.
